Tuition Fees

Tuition fees vary according to whether the university is private or publicly funded, its location and the course chosen. At state universities, semester fees may be as little as around 300 USD, while at private universities tuition fees can reach thousands. Information about tuition fees is best sought directly from the institution to which you wish to apply. Private universities’ fees are more expensive than state institutions’ and postgraduate study is more expensive than undergraduate study.
Tuition fees for higher educational degree programs are set by the government at the beginning of each academic year. The tuition fees for international students vary depending on the nature of the program. Approximate annual tuition fees are as follows:

For Undergraduate Programs

1. State Universities:

a) Universities where the medium of instruction is TURKISH:
Turkish nationals: 80 – 250 USD
Foreign nationals: 240 – 750 USD
b) Universities where the medium of instruction is ENGLISH:
Turkish nationals: USD 150 – 500 USD
Foreign nationals: USD 450 – 1500 USD

2. Foundation Universities:

5.000 – 20.000 USD
Students from Turkish republics and countries (Azerbaijan, Bashkortostan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Mongolia, Moldova, Nakhchivan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Tatarstan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine) pay their tuition fees as Turkish nationals at state run universities.

For Graduate Programs

1. State Universities:

a) Universities where the medium of instruction is TURKISH:
Turkish nationals: 100 – 200 USD
Foreign nationals: 300 – 600 USD
b) Universities where the medium of instruction is ENGLISH:
Turkish nationals: 200 – 300 USD
Foreign nationals: 600 – 900 USD

2. Foundation Universities:

5.000 – 20.000 USD
Students from Turkish republics and countries (Azerbaijan, Bashkortostan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Mongolia, Moldova, Nakhchivan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Tatarstan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine) pay their tuition fees as Turkish nationals at state run universities.

Financial Aid

Merit Scholarships

Many foundation and some state universities offer merit scholarships to those who have outstanding academic backgrounds. Scholarships are granted for the program the student is enrolled in and are continued throughout the regular duration of the student’s education (extensions are prohibited). The normal duration of the scholarship is five years for those who must join an English language preparatory program and four years for those who start directly as a freshman. At foundation universities, students are not at risk of losing their scholarships despite academic difficulties as long as they adhere to mandatory class attendance rates.

Students are placed in a merit scholarship program according to their grades, scores and ranking. Merit scholarships usually cover (a) tuition fees; (b) living costs through a ten-month stipend; and (c) dormitory accommodation fees.

Other Scholarships

Independent of the merit-based scholarship quota, universities provide additional sources of funding. For example, partial scholarships, such as the Academic Success Scholarship, go towards paying for a certain percentage of the total tuition (anywhere between 30% to 50% in the case of the Academic Success Scholarship). Almost all foundation universities offer partial scholarships, which depend on the academic merits of the applicant and cover between 20% and 70% of the total tuition fees. Country specific scholarships are announced through diplomatic channels. Candidates should contact and apply to the authorized bodies of their own countries or to the Turkish embassy or consulates in their respective countries.

Applications for scholarships granted by foundation universities will also be considered according to the approved international student quotas in place. Decisions are made by the relevant Faculty Executive Board.

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